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Mira Megs Lathrop




• Finanseer, Quantum Money Coach, Financial Alchemist • We are soul-filled beings here to remember our natural state, of living an abundant life experience, without any sacrifice, on any level. •💸Creator of the Quantum Money Movement, CFP®, leading team of 22 co-revolutionaries, to be irresistible, magnetic and sourced in their way of bringing 5th dimensional consciousness into a 3rd dimensional conversation around money. • ☎️ I am here to cause financial breakthroughs for 500,000 people in 2021. 🔜 • 👀 Finanseer: I see from the new paradigm a sacred economy, we are all being invited into. • Lives & creates from Mount Shasta, California. 🏔 • Art, ceremony & community as an expression of our highest alignment. • ✨ “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” ~Hopi Prophecy ✨ I am here to be a host, conduit & transmitter of the new economy by sharing from an intentional stream of consciousness. I am here to serve those who are ready to take on the next frontier of their life; those who know there’s another way and are ready to feel the spark. Those who have reached “enough is enough” with the current status quo, and feel the desire and inner nudge to co-create something entirely new. I do this by channeling higher wisdom and insights and drawing from 20 years of experience inside the financial industry. Graduating with a Master’s Degree from the California Institute of Integral Studies in East-West Psychology, becoming a Certified Money Coach (CMC)®, earning credentials as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP)® and Yoga instructor have all been profound deepening journeys. I merge the 3rd dimensional reality with the 5th dimensional reality by blending practical tactics and steps with esoteric principles, frameworks and frequencies. I am able to bring higher SQ (spiritual intelligence) & EQ (emotional intelligence) to money through attunement and integration of the physical and spiritual. I translate my work to different audiences ranging from individuals across the globe, financial advisors, spiritual communities, and beyond. 🙏 Will you BE the the Movement into the new paradigm?