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Mingo Lam




I do not consent anyone record my speech in clubhouse. I am a chess instructor and arbiter. Etymology is a thing for me. I like to share my finding in FB #今日學字根——Etymology Like to write about etymology. Keep learning is my motto. Remember “To err is to human!” 莫流浪 莫在落泊於彼岸, 流浪有風浪 浪花打開心中事 勿再遠走他鄉。 若你願到溪水旁, 唔願再漂蕩 願君想起昔日時 念到家鄕樣 綠葉蔭,好風光 花香片,到異鄕 心嚮往,美好家鄉 但願君,在思想, 深心𥚃,有夢想, 不可以,永久流浪。 若你願到溪水旁, 唔願再漂蕩 願君想起昔日時 念到家鄕樣。 [email protected]
