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Mick Holloway




Strategic Marketing for Professional & Tech Businesses. Growth through Market Oriented, Customer Focused Marketing, the marketing team your growing business needs to deliver constant, reliable results AKA Closable Leads Think of the businesses in your sector you'd benchmark your business against. Now study their products, services, reputation, reviews. Look at their branding, marketing, targeting, and positioning. Are their Marketing Strategies; indeed, their businesses Market Driven, Market Oriented, Customer Focused? There's a reason for that, your sales teams should be sales-oriented, the technicians and engineers should be product oriented. But your marketing needs to understand your customers, bring them into the business and inform your Sales, Engineering, Production, Manufacturing, etc etc. If you currently do little or no marketing, or your marketing is not working let's see if we can help with ♦️Research and design of your Marketing Strategy providing a 12-month actionable Marketing Plan, with quarterly reviews and updates. ♦️If you want to Deploy It Yourself, we can teach YOU how to deploy this, with best-practice tactics that are working now. ♦️For faster results, we can Deploy this With YOU, with our mentoring programs. ♦️Or to stay working ON your Business - we can Do It ALL for YOU, cost-effectively bringing you the complete one-stop Marketing Department, the holistic approach to marketing your business needs Are we right for each other? Let's have a chat, I'd like to understand you, your business, and your goals. I’ll tell you more about us, what we do, and together we will see if WE do is right for YOU and YOUR business. It all starts with a chat. To learn more connect here on LinkedIn, or lets set upa call -