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Michelle Sanchez




🚨Connect with me on IG @michygetsfit Free Booty Band Workout email me 📧 [email protected] Mommy of 2 Influencer Vegan Fitness Lover Business Owner CEO of Note to Love, LLC Women Empowerment Best Booty Bands in the Market 21 Days to Self love Challenge (weightloss & Self Love) You can find me on all social media platforms @michygetsfit Fitness, self-care, family, traveling & empowerment is everything that defines me. I believe that everyday is a new chance to make a difference & share beautiful content with the world. My mission is to have a positive impact on anyone that I meet in person or on social media. I live in Sunny South Florida. Can't wait to work with you! ❤️Brands I’ve worked with! Halo Top Sweet Sweat Flat Tummy Tea, Lollipops, Shakes Artic Zero Focus Factor Wink Coco Polo ZoZo Global Sugar Bear Hair Super Coffee Flavor God