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Michelle J Raymond




I ❤️ LinkedIn Pages. Bet you don’t hear that often. You can outsource the management of your company page to my company Good Trading Co. I believe building a strong company brand is equally important as building a personal brand. Strong LinkedIn Company Pages can boost your brand awareness and attract many opportunities. No time to do it yourself - outsource it. We’ll manage your LinkedIn Company page while you focus on your business. Everything you need to find me is here ⬇️ I want to work with passionate small business owners who challenge the status quo. Purpose is part of your mission and you know you can get more done as part of a community. ❤️ 🎙 Happy to share my 2c on podcasts. 🇦🇺 No I don’t have a pet 🦘or 🐨. 🍫 will get you everywhere with me. 🌞🧚‍♀️ is my view of the world. 🥃 is half full kinda gal. 📈 Content marketing for sales growth is my super power. ⛓ Communities are only as strong as our weakest link. Help others rise. 🐑🚫 Critical analysis is so important. Come find me on LinkedIn 😎