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Micaela S. Benn




📚I SERVE independent children’s book authors by teaching you how to take control of branding & content marketing to reach families that want to diversify their bookshelves. 🎙I HOST The Children’s Book Marketing Podcast, where I share strategies & tools that make children’s book marketing a whole lot easier: <Apple, Google, Amazon Music, Spotify> listen & learn 🎧 ✍🏽 I WRITE…I’m the Author of “Little Mr. Fix It Assists With The To-Do List” for families with kids 3 to 8 years old—>🚀🚀 Let’s talk about: 🎯Building a marketing plan to support an ecosystem that thrives around your children’s book brand. 🎯Choosing your ideal children’s book readers and targeted messaging to engage with them. 🎯Reaching a larger audience of readers and bulk buyers with email, text marketing, and social media. 🎯Maximizing your profits by working direct with printers to produce high-quality children’s books. 🎯Leveraging your brand through an integrated website that you control and actively drive traffic to. 💙Other things I like to talk about are Homeschooling, Mompreneurship, and things to do in & around Atlanta💙 Want to focus on profitability and purpose instead of vanity metrics to sell more children’s book? Want to use digital marketing to connect with the right readers? Want to implement proven systems to stay organized & optimize your time? Let’s work together: <>