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🇵🇸 یہ بات سمجھ میں آئی نہیں اور امی نے سمجھائی نہیں میں کیسے میٹھی بات کروں جب میں نے چینی کھائی نہیں یہ چاند بھی کیسا ماموں ہے جب امی کا وہ بھائی نہیں یہ بات سمجھ میں آئی نہیں اور امی نے سمجھائی نہیں کیوں لمبے بال ہیں بھالو کے کیوں اس نے ٹنڈ کرائی نہیں کیا وہ بھی گندہ بچہ ہے یا جنگل میں کوئی نائی نہیں نانی کے شوہر نانا ہیں اور دادی کے شوہر دادا ہیں کیوں باجی کے شو ہر باجہ نہیں یہ بات سمجھ میں آئی نہیں اور امی نے سمجھائی نہیں Non-natural Moral Realist || Substance Dualist || Muslim || 🇵🇰 Ibn Taymīyyah رحمتہ اللہ علی: "Indeed, empirical matters witnessed by the senses, as well as the rational sciences constructed upon them, have been subject to numerous rational doubts that oppose what is known by perception or intellect. And much of this is of a sophistic nature which many or most people find difficult to solve or to clarify its unsoundness. Instead, to refute it, they rely on the fact that this doubt undermines that which is known by perception or necessity, so it does not merit a response. So their response to it would [simply] be that it contradicts that which is indubitably known. On that basis, [one] recognizes it as false in principle, even if he does not address its incorrectness in a detailed fashion. And if one were to say, “These matters of indubitable knowledge cannot be confirmed [as truth] without rebutting whatever sophistic arguments challenge them,” then no person would be able to confirm any knowledge about anything, since there is no end to what occurs in the minds of some people of sophistic arguments (al-ḥujaj al-sūfisṭaʾīyah)." [Ibn Taymīyyah, Darʾ taʿāruḍ al-ʿaql wa-al-naql, 10 vols., 2nd ed., ed. Muḥammad Rashād Sālim (Riyadh: Jāmiʿat al-Imām Muḥammad b. Saʿūd al-Islāmiyyah, 1411/1991), 5:254.] ****The Below Argument Is Explicitly For Logicians**** Emmanuel Rutten's Modal Epistemic Argument 1. (∀x)◇Ix⊃□~E!g 2. ~□~E!g 3. (∀x)~◇Ix⊃□E!g c. □E!g let: Ix ≝ x is an impervious atheologic argument E!g ≝ God exists proof: 1. (∀x)◇Ix⊃□~E!g p 2. ~□~E!g p 3. (∀x)~◇Ix⊃□E!g p 4. ◇Ia⊃□~E!g 1UI 5. ~◇Ia 2,4 MT 6. ~◇Ia⊃□E!g 3 UI 7. □E!g 5,6 MP for breakdown of the argument in layman terms, you can refer here: