Meron(Hana) Woldu
📍 Addis | Calgary, Alberta Progressing! Always Interested to learn/unlearn about mental health, Sexual orientation, Sexuality, Women empowerment, parenting, youth support, mental health, addiction, self-harm, self-care, the healing process and more social issues. Founder of #ClubAboutUs 💚ስለኛ AboutUs 💚 and The Monthly newsletter regarding mental health and related matters. Founder of Project Messaylehulum. #Messaylehulum 💫 A Mental Health Advocate. 💫 Certified First Aid in Mental Health and suicide prevention. 💫Certified in NCVI. 💫Social worker. 💫Community Health Coordinator. 💫💫Matthew’s and Malachai’s mom. 💫Black Woman! Habesha! 💫East African 💚💛❤️ Ethiopia is my home, my heart, my identity. #MessayLehulum #Hotline4ET #Mentalhealthmatters I don’t tolerate bullying, judgment, and inappropriate jokes. PMDD self screening link below