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Megan Willis




📷Newborn Photographer 🌴Sunshine Coast, QLD AU 🇦🇺 ♾ Community over Competition 🙋‍♀️ Here for open hearted chats with like minded creatives 👯‍♀️ Total hype girl 📖 Let’s talk biz strategy, marketing, shooting, profitability, mindset ❇️ An industry nobody, but have been in business for over 8 years 🥸 (Super)multi passionate about many odd topics. Part time geek, part time weirdo. ♒️ Introverted Aquarian, INFP, Enneagram 9, HD Projector 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Mum to 2. Medical mum. FIFO wife. 👄 Fluent in memes and GIFs