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My Teacher ❤️🫶 ⚒GOAT D̷H̷E̷E̷L̷ITIRA🩸💯 Derossi I love you drama 🤣🤣 madaxwaynaha ciyaal casiir madara🍉. Fatin kaligeed boqorad 👸❤️🫶 Man like Dhikhlayso🤣🤣 Girls say they love me, it isn't that, I steal their heart then give it back You think you boujee but you boujee for the internet Your pussy dookie got to spit on it just to get it wet Mustafa the goat 🐐🥇 No sheeg hada walanthy 🤣🤣 Timirtii horeba dab loo waa✋🏾 ĞỖĎЌÃ ĤÃĹĮŜŤÃ ĮŜ ŇỖŤ ẸÃŜЎ 😂 It’s either a blessing or a lesson Don’t expect no favors or no love or appreciation from nobody if you get it assume it’s fake and if you find that it’s real appreciate it but don’t believe it Trees don’t hang out with the grass even though they all started from the same place
