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Max Song




Investor/Venture Builder on a mission to save the planet! Designing, first climate warrior nft profile series, backed by leading crypto investors and climate activists. Climate Justice 🌍 | Carbon Markets 🌳| Green Digital Finance πŸƒ Founder at, investing in a positive climate future. 🌍🌏 Launching, creating non fungible assets to support endangered animals with the World WildLife Fund. Venture Partner at HK family office. blockchain AI TMT digital finance. ex Data scientist at Ayadsi (started by Stanford Math Chair Gunnar Carlsson). Teaching Fellow at Singularity University GSP2012. Cofounder of Brown Venture Labs. Brown, Tsinghua/Schwarman Scholar, Part time PhD, full time student of life. Five year burner )’( building meta communities. Founder of Thinking about #AngelPatterns to counter our social dilemma. β€œThe Fremen were supreme in that quality the ancients called "spannungsbogen" -- which is the self-imposed delay between desire for a thing and the act of reaching out to grasp that thing.” Find me on Twitter @pericarus IG @maxsong123 WeChat maxsong123