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Maxim Ibadov




He/They/Fab, avid New Yorker 🗽 Half Jewish/ Half Middle Eastern I grew up queer in Russia, so you can’t scare me 🏳️‍🌈 🇷🇺 ✨Founder of Let’s Tawk! Club 🍀 ✨CEO of Tawk Productions; ✨Host and Producer of Let’s Tawk! podcast, where politics meet pop culture🎙 ✨ ✨Politics and Pop culture on TikTok: @maxim_letstawk 👜 Fashion Diva 🏳️‍⚧️ Activist for Liberal, LGBTQ and Immigrant Causes 🎭 Theatre Artist; Associate Artistic Director of a NIFT (New Ideas Fresh Talent) Theatre Company 📚 Teaching Assistant At Park Avenue Armory. The children are our future 🇷🇺 Assistant Director at Literary Theatre Dialogue (Best Russian Theatre in America in 2020- Teatral Journal) Always looking for a fun and educational tawk about important cultural issues of the present (and Drag Race!)