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Matthew Klapwijk




🇨🇦🙋🏻‍♂️ Empower you to create wealth and build passive income 🧑‍💻from🏠 in the money game of sharing “How Money Works.” 🎤Never Ending Journey of Self-Discovery to have YOUTH EMPOWER YOUTH Our amazing team Supported 1,000+ Youth through Covid in 2020-Today “Creating Platform for Full Self-Expression!” 🎙 Letters to the World from The World Podcast 📬🌎 🤩🤳Looking to connect with more Givers looking to make a global impact. 📍🇨🇦Van,BC🇳🇱🇵🇭 [Hollapino] 👔✈️ Senior Marketing Director 📚Building Extraordinary Entrepreneurs 🎓Lead Youth Facilitator 📗🥇Amazon Best Selling Author 🚀I’m a Entrepreneur and philanthropist, changing the world with my empowering friends! 🍋Love culture and experiencing everyone’s different views of the world and how they see themselves in it 👓 👩‍🎓🧑‍🎓👨‍🎓🎓Co-founder of a FREE ONLINE Youth Leadership Program called Youth Empowering Youth, YEY for short, that equips children (8-12yrs) & youth (13-18yrs) with the life skills and confidence to become a leader in their own community and now because of COVID globally. 🙋‍♂️Growing up shy, introverted and struggling with self-confidence as a teen I decided to go on a never ending journey of self discovery. 💫🔥I am driven to empower others so that they feel their dreams are alive by giving them courage and support to live an extraordinary life.