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Matt Prince




🙋🏻‍♂️ PR guy @ Taco Bell. Former social media & speechwriter for Disney. Lover of all things dairy, dogs & baseball. 🧑🏻‍💻 Founder of - a mentorship and professional development advocacy group built to support students and young professionals on their career journey. 👨🏻‍🏫 Past President of PRSA, Orange County Chapter and current advisor to the California State University Fullerton PRSA student chapter since 2011. 🏃🏻 ADWEEK's 31 Young Influentials List (2018) 40 Under 40: PR Week (2017) 40 Under 40: OC Metro Magazine (2012) PRSA Distinguished Service Award (2019) PRSSA National Hall of Fame (2013) PRSSA National Advisor of the Year' (2013)
PRSSA National Advisor of the Year' (2015) 👨🏻‍🍼 Most importantly, livin that dadlife #czardom #netnetsynergy