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Masayuki Tanaka




Masayuki Tanaka Manager at Avant CorporationTama UniversityAvant CorporationChiba, Japan118 connections Show recruiters you’re open to work - you control who sees this. Get startedClose Masayuki, update your profile to get noticed Close account center Get news and insights in your feed! Get updates from industry experts. Start by following 5 people you like. Follow people 1 more step to strengthen your profile Profile basics step completedProfile Profile photo upload step completedPhoto upload Add 30 connections step completed30 Connections Follow 5 people step pendingFollow Slide to Account center item 1Slide to last account center item About Experienced Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the IT industry. Skilled in Service Delivery, Software Project Management,Agile Methodologies, and Data Science. Leading software development team for 11 years in Atlas and Avanade. The team size was 5 - 20 members. My responsibilities were leading and managing end-to-end software development activities such as requirement gathering, design, test and daily operation after production go-live. Not only leading application development team but also for infrastructure team. I have hands-on experience and expertise on Python, Java, .Net Framework, Oracle, SQL Server, Azure, etc., Certified as Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert: Cloud Platform and Infrastructure and passed JDLA Deep Learning for GENERAL 2019 #1 examination. During the period in Avanade, I received Knowledge MVP, which was awarded to the person exchange their knowledge globally. Leading Customer Success team in Japan for 5 yeares in JDA Software (renamed to Blue Yonder). I was responsible for Japanese large retailers and manufacturers for their supply chain management. The team was 5 members in Japan and 10 - 20 members in India. Actively listening customer's voice and compiled it as a requirements and coordinate with various teams in the company to support customer's business. During the period in JDA Software, I received Customer Success Award for my achievements to keep customer satisfaction at high level. In DIVA Corporation, I was taking a technical lead to transform our own proprietary on-premise software to cloud service on Microsoft Azure. Now in Avant, I am in charge of new business development, research on new technologies, and conducting PoC projects. Also, from 2018 to present, I'm studying Business Management and Data Science in the gra