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Marshall Nguyen




🏦🏙Commercial Real Estate🌆🏫 Investor.Broker.Advisor Ho Chi Minh City, VN - Minneapolis, MN 📍 Value-Add Investor 🏦Retail Centers 🛒 🏭Industrial / Flex *extracting value out of CRE* 🏢Let’s do some deals together!😎 🐲Develop 10 Asian Malls in the USA by 2031 👲🏻🐉 (1) Asian Plaza - Eden Prairie, MN (10 min. from Mall of America) 🔥Interest includes commercial real estate, investing, comedy, travel, big foodie, and creating memories 🤩🍾 *** 🔑 Happiness is the true form of freedom. Contrarian at birth 👶🏻 “Gratitude is our greatest power” - Unknown “You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough people get what they want” - Zig Ziglar