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Mark Anthony Dyson




I hack & reimagine the modern job search, Writer, and Thinker! Sign up for my free E-Book “421 Modern Job Search Tips 2021” on my blog,! Married 30 years ΦΒΣ ✍️🏾 Freelance Career Writer 🏆Award-winning blog 🏆Podcast  📣 Features: Forbes, Business Insider, Inc., Fast Company, LI News LIVE, NPR, SiriusXM ✍️🏾Bylines: Payscale,, Glassdoor, The Balance Careers, The Financial Diet 📹 🎙️Co-host two weekly live stream shows for job seekers, career changers, and professionals: 📹#JobSeeekerNation 📹The Modern Job Search Checklist Both shows stream to LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook. — I write and talk about all things around the modern job search at and many other places! Hang around, and you'll hear me refer to relevant resources. Some from me and even more I refer to sources you'll need to check out.  The pandemic we're in is preparing us for a new job market where we'll need sparring partners and spotters. If you're not creating an ecosystem of connections, referrals, and partnerships, you will miss out on opportunities with your name on them. The job search seems long and daunting if you're a job seeker who strategizes as a lone ranger. In the modern job search, you must be able to use many tools and connections to remain employable through the many challenges presented job seekers today: 👉🏾What do you want to do? 👉🏾Understanding what employers want  👉🏾Where do you want to work  👉🏾Knowing and clearly stating your value to employers, recruiters, peers, referrers I also talk about the challenges and solutions for Black and POC job seekers on my Medium/An Injustice column at! — Media feature highlights: Forbes, Business Insider, Fox Business, Fast Company, and more... Recently featured on NTD news on September 6, 2021. — For career advice writing business inquiries: [email protected]! For speaking (including workshops): [email protected].