Marina Nuñez
Wanna discuss the intersection of social issues + marketing? 🦀- Pronouns (She/Her/They) 🦊- CEO & Founder @ Kanerani 🛑- VP of Marketing @ NAHEM 📕- Marketing Researcher 🌹- Diversity and Inclusion Expert 💃🏻- Native (Purhépecha) / Latinx) 🧨- Photographer 🖍- Host of Marketing For All Podcast -- Education- ♥️- Feminist Studies BA 😍- MBA - Marketing 🍎- DBA Candidate 📍 I live in The Bay (Ohlone Territory) -- Helping companies to not get cancelled -- Find me 📶 LinkedIn: Marina Nuñez -- Buy me a coffee ☕️ marinanunez -- Join our FB marketing community where we discuss the latest marketing news Search "Marketing Tips For Everyone" Twitter 🐦 Instagram 📸 ⬇️ ⬇️