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Maria Wybrow




💙Codependent Recovery Coach|🔊Speaker| Website to 👉 Hi 👋I’m Maria Wybrow, the Codependent Recovery Coach. I empower Codependents, People Pleasers & ACOAs to connect with their authentic selves and create more fulfilling relationships. 👇 Reach out👇 #DailyDose I help you: ❤️Start your love affair with you ❤️Create a Self-Care Plan ❤️How to find your authentic self ❤️Stop Rescuing, or People Pleasing or Fixing in your relationships ❤️What are Boundaries & how to defend them ❤️Create an Empowered Vision for your future ❤️How to avoid toxic Relationships ❤️Attraction - How to recognise & attract and healthy relationship ❤️the Do’s and Don’ts of dating ➡️I created the CLUB 🥰ACOA CODEPENDENT RECOVERY🥰To raise awareness about Co-dependency and encourage folks to take action to address this issue. 💙DM me COACHING on INSTA @mariawybrow to find out more. 1️⃣Wanna see my rooms in your hallway? Turn on my notification 🔔 (the bell above in my profile) and join the ACOA CODEPENDENT RECOVERY CLUB 2️⃣Free Content on Codependency and Families and Addiction and my newsletter:⬇️ ➡️ 🧶ACOA Codependent Recovery FOR ME? 🎯Were you raised in a family or extended family that suffered with addictions or a dysfunctional family? 🎯Do you seek other people’s approval in the form of Rescuing, care catering, and fixing? 🎯Do you feel resentful when you do not receive the accolade or approval that you feel that you deserve for all you do and give to others? 🎯Have you ever been in an abusive relationships and known that you needed to leave, but have not? 🎯Do you struggle to set boundaries in your relationships? 🎯Are you enmeshed with others? Get involved too quickly or you give away too much too soon? 🎯Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? 🎯Do you compromise who you are to be in a relationship with partners or family members? 🤓About Me: 🇬🇧Irish, British and American 💒Married to a British Man 👟Go to the Gym 🧗‍♀️Want to take up rock climbing ✈️Love to travel 📚Love books – The Road Less Travelled by Scott Peck changed my life! 🎵Love listening to Music 🖋Written my Memoirs 🧑‍💻👩‍💻Work with me 1:1. ➡️Book a call ➡️ ➡️DM me on Instagram👇