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Marcus L. Boston




NOW AVAILABLE! “WHAT IF THIS HAPPENED?” Short Stories Volume 1. #amazon | Author of 19 books | Book Coach | | CEO Unfazed Publishing | Email: [email protected] 224.762.2242 business Set up an appointment today. _____________________________________ FOLLOW ME SOCIAL MEDIA - - Tic Tok - @MarcusLBostonWorld - Facebook - @MarcusLBostonAuthor - Instagram - @MarcusLBoston_author - Twitter. - @MarcusLBostonauthor _____________________________________ - AUTHOR ✍🏽 📕 📚 BOOKS 📚 “THE ISSUE WITH ALL CHURCH LEADERS “- Here’s Why Your Church Rejected YOU! - Amazon-Kindle-Kindle Unlimited “I LOVED WORKING AT THE CTA” The Memoirs of a Public Transit Train Operator in Chicago. 📕 Available @ IBooks - Kindle - Amazon “ BE CAREFUL WITH GOD’S DAUGHTER” 📚 Available on Amazon- Kindle- IBook Autographed copies- 🔥 The Write Worshiper 🔥 - When Writing Becomes Ministry 🔥 RUNNING THROUGH THE DARKNESS 📕 “The JOY of the LORD” Daily Devotional 📕 APPLE IBOOKS - KINDLE - AMAZON “ LISTEN TO HER! “ 📕 ON AMAZON KINDLE. 📖 “FROM WOMAN TO WOMAN” Tell-All Book series. Volume 1, 2, & 3. ©️ “Reader Discretion Is Advised* This is my life not fiction. 📖 “A Pastor’s Mistake . A Transparent Novel Testimony” ©️ - 📖 “What To Do When You Know Your Pastor Is Wrong” ©️ - 📖 Tainted Influence _ Identifying Prophetic Truth & Error” ©️ - 📖 I’m Burning _ Abstinence Tools For Single Christians ©️ - 📖 Enchanted _ How Witches Attacked Me ©️ - 📖 For Better Or Worse _ Why Christians Get Divorced? ©️ - 📖 For Better Or Worse _ ©️ (WORKBOOK) 📖HEAVEN MOVES ME - MINISTERING TO GOD IN DANCE” ©️ 🌎 ALL BOOKS AVAILABLE AT - IBooks - Kindle - Amazon _____________________________________ 🤴🏿✝️🦅🔭🗝🔒🪟🕺🏾⚔️🪓🗡🛡⚱️ - Seer - Minister Of The Gospel - Minister Of Dance - Praiser ⚱️ - Worshiper - Joyous Personality _____________________________________
