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Manker Biah




📢📢It’s a must that you pay💰 yourself first!! If it’s 5% , 10% or more do it & be consistent with it. 📣📣Secondly know your #!! 🇱🇷🇱🇷Born & Raised ♦️my career is aircrafts mechanics 🧰✈️🛫🛩🛬✈️🛫 ♦️Ventured into financial education because I realized I needed it for myself As a Licensed Financial Professional I am truly driven to educate individuals about how money works. I teach the 8th wonder of the 🌎 the rule of 72 📍the magic of compound interest, the wealth formula & much more. ♦️Understanding the Tax treatment of different investment accounts (Tax Now, Tax Later, Tax Advantage) example: Annuity investment, Roth IRA investment ♦️Understanding different types of Life Insurance (Term, Whole Life, Universal Life, Index Universal Life, Final Expense) ♦️Long Term Care/Disability ➡️someone Turning 65 years old today has 70% chance of needing some type of LTC services. ➡️22% of both younger adults &adults age 40 and older believe it is very likely that they will personally need LTC services but 81% believe their employers should provide. 🚫 ♦️Estate Planning (Wills& Trust) ♦️Certified College Consultant 🔷I am an avid member of the morning meetup group (as of 5 weeks in counting)coached by Mr. David Shands where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs meet networks & level up Monday-Friday 🔷Studying the turo game under the mentorship of Matty J ➡️Pending millionaire‼️ ➡️Here to learn, engage, connect, share ideas & grow in anyways possible❗️ ➡️Reading is fundamental; until 2020 my audible 📖 📚 counts was 52 since joining Clubhouse this week my YouTube university audible 📖 count is like 40 & growing! I love it❗️ ➡️I’m on this mission of being a change maker in my community, family and friends❗️ I 💯% believe Financial education is the way & true freedom ➡️money gives you options ‼️‼️