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Mana DaVana




How can we do better together? * Practitioner of the archaeological arts ** Membership/Presence ≠ Endorsement on CH ***Twitter handle is @manadavana 🇦🇸 🇵🇫 🇼🇸 🇫🇷 🇺🇸 "Je pense, donc je suis." -René Descartes “Thinking aloud is a habit which is responsible for most of mankind's misery.” -Benjamin Franklin “When angry count to ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred.” -Thomas Jefferson “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” -Plato “Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” -Voltaire "If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable." -Louis D. Brandeis “Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.” -Mark Twain “Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization.” — Peter Kropotkin “A great man is hard on himself; a small man is hard on others.” -Confucius "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." -Napoleon Bonaparte “History doesn't repeat itself, but It often rhymes” – Mark Twain "O le ala i le pule o le tautua." -Sāmoan proverb "Service without humility is selfishness and egotism." -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi “We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men – not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular.” -Edward R. Murrow