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Magdalena Jarosz




♻️ Philantropist • Transformation coach • • Psychotherapist • Meditation teacher • Artist and THE MOST IMPORTANT human being who wants to add value here, learn and connect with others to create something great in this world for all of us. ❂ CH is not therapy, click the „follow” if you want to have access to the best secret rooms which can change your life ❂ I often work with unhappy celebrities, burned out leaders, artist, traumatized children and those who are going through horrible time, lost their creativity, aliveness and path. ❂ In one point of my life I lost everything, was on the other side and discovered something intresting. Paradox called life. Did you notice that we humans often want something, than speed up, work hard, fight, achieve what we want and than feel depressed, dying from burn out ? It happened to me and after I went through horrible sicknesses and died, something changed. It took me 10 years to integrate what I’ve seen on the other side. At the beginning I was thinking that I am crazy, and I hid myself in a monastery, than was traveling, studying everything from neuroscience to shamanism, as well assisting those who were close to die. In 2020 I’ve decide to stop, trust my intution, energy which we cannot touch and it was the best decision of my life. Now imagine, what would happen if you stop, let go everything what you feared to loose, or must to do now. Wait until you connect with something big, wise, funny, colorful, playfull and alive. Would you feel peace, space inside yr body&mind, it’d easy to breath, solve problems ... see million Stars like after orgasm and smile ? This is it. Connection. Flow. Music. Poetry. Hope. Energy. Love, transforming and healing your immune and nervous system creating joy, tears, new neuropaths, big picture and smile. Small particle saving yours and many others life:) - ❂ if you want : ✅ heal trauma, your nervous system, find courage and energy to think outside of box, despite of fear move forward, work on difficult script, create business, unbelivable life ✅ prevent burn out in your company, community, during tour or filming ✅ improve your health, material, emotional, spiritual and social intuition, resilience, communication, negotiation skills, relationships and sex life ✅ create truthful performance or live that blow away others ✅ find bigger purpose, healing energy of LOVE inside and around ✅ connect & relax DM 🔰