Hairuza Dalhat
قارئ القرآن 📖 طالب العلم 🧑🏫 لا شيخ ❌ Young talented and skillful Entrepreneur. Business strategic planner. Human resource manager. Business administrator. Business manager. A marketing business consultant in the online space. C.E.O at Mai Doron Karatu General Enterprises. Founder MDK (mai doron karatu) foundation. Do not humble yourself before any creation to secure any gain, that's a reflection of the weakness of your faith. But ask from Allah for sustenance for verily the matter is between "ك" and "كن فيكن" ,"ن". Whosoever you’re hopeful of, is weak, and so is his father. Splendid indeed, is the combination of this world coupled with piety, and the world devoid of spirituality has no blessing in it, and if it was sheer logic and sheer intelligence that secures wealth, i guess every intellectual person would have own an empire like that of Qaroon!