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Pierre Millien Jr




Elder | Motivator | Singer | Political Activist | Husband | Father | Aspiring Author | Songwriter | NYC Born and raised in New York by way of Brooklyn and Queens. I love God, my family, and I am a lover of people. No one is perfect but we are all unique and wonderfully made by God. Love studying and sharing the Word of the Lord. Love watching and discussing sports, music, politics, and life in general. Love my wife and our four beautiful children. Nothing in this world has been more of a testament to me of God’s love and favor than these five individuals. Have sung background for various gospel artists. Have written songs, and sang in various groups as well. Working on and soon to complete my very first book. I’m looking forward to sharing that with you as well. I attend and serve at Remnant Worship Center International where my Pastor and Leader is none other than Bishop Dr. Courtney Bradley and we are a church that loves God and His people. A place where a few effect many and where Jesus Christ is Lord. In short I’m a complex yet simple person who is evolving each and every day more and more into the man that God intended; and, into the man I have always aspired to be. CashApp $PierreMillienJr