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Casey Golden




Founder @luxlock Luxury Retail Tech | Designing the future of retail and re-skilling a global workforce to thrive in a modern era. We help luxury brands stand out with cutting-edge shopper experience technology. Merging our digital, physical, and metaverse shopping experiences. One World Commerce 🚀 🍾Designing time well spent 💌Commitment to humane technology and its ability to elevate the way we experience the world. 🙌🏻 Retail Innovation speaker | Supply chain tech | Product Junkie | Data privacy & Identity | Distribution Strategy | Digital transformation | Luxury Retail | Memory Maker |Ultimate big 👯‍♀️sister, female founder mentor, and 🎁 giver. ⏱ living my 4th life 🗽West Coast New Yorker 🇮🇹 Learning Italian, wanna chat? 🏄‍♀️ I’m in, always! Dm’s open 📣 ➡️ Follow Luxlock Club I am here to help ❤️, don’t let the fashion biz steal your smile🙂.