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💗🐱 I like to do good deeds, so I can get to Heaven and be with the cats. #MakeToneLiteracyGreatAgain♡💁🏾‍♀️ @Vibegardenorg via X app 💫 Inkslinging Vibe Technician (Lunar Astrology & Star-Aligned Updates/Energies), VG Broadcaster/Spiritual and Indie Arts Interviewer via On Ch, I'm usually in the Monday Room ('Angelics & Ancestors') in *Luv's House* on Fridays for 'Frequencies and Astro/Cosmic Update Broadcasts' and Discussions 💚 🧋 Intuitive 🦄 ✨🧚🏾‍♀️🕊💕🦄 💫Offering: ~Vibrational frequencies for healthy electromagnetic resonance ~Vibegarden Sessions and Vibe Branding (Astro/Cosmic Insights (personal or business), Copy/Ads and Ghostwriting, Design, Promo Assistance) *I do not consent to being recorded, unless I clearly permit. My voice, content and likeness belong to me. Licensing must be requested formally to acquire permission for use (in accordance with Federal Law - which overrides any illegal term agreements)* I can be contacted through messaging (which is checked periodically… possibly not daily) ♡Boba Kitty via art by Meloxi☆ note: 💫 I am no longer taking calls on Owwll. 🧐 I would recommend you take screenshots of your calls if you plan to continue using them. 💫Sites I can say will pay you for your services, with integrity, include and I would recommend them if you are seeking to take calls on an app as advisor.