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Lili St. Christopher




Text “CBVCH” to 314-274-6544 to stay up-to-date on scholarships and college resources. 👇🏼Take the virtual 7 Day “Money 4 College” Challenge Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Edition via our website. Join my club, 🎓College Bound Village - Scholarships Found🏦 (scroll to the bottom & it’s the 1st one on the left). Let’s get this money for college! 1️⃣ I helped my son obtain over $500,000 in Scholarships when he graduated from high school in 2019. He’s now a debt free College Junior with a 3.9 GPA majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Upon graduation in 2024, he plans to be a 2nd Lt. Officer in the Air Force. 2️⃣ My daughter is a rising High School Senior who plays Club Volleyball and is taking AP and Honors classes. She was recently inducted into the National Honor Society. 3️⃣ I earned my Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) in 2018 debt free at 45 years young. 4️⃣ Feel free to sow into the Village and support college bound students: Donations will be used to fund the $1,000 Pastor Carl Prude Sr. Memorial Scholarship (my dad). -Zelle and PayPal: [email protected] -Venmo: @CBV_Village -Clubhouse -Details in Instagram LinkedTree 5️⃣ I was born and raised in East St. Louis, IL. Period❤️💚🖤 I consider myself a global citizen since I’ve travelled to over 20 countries and four continents for business and leisure purposes. Let’s collaborate🌹. 6️⃣ I have 25+ years in the financial services sector. I believe that all students must have a strategy for attending college that includes networking, marketing, wellness and financial education. 💰Common Black College Application (CBCA) Sponsor - pay a $20 application fee to apply to 59 HBCUs 🌹🎓 Mompreneur☕️ Educational Consultant📚 Silver Lining Lili🌟🔥 Wife of Lorne Sr. for 23 years ————— Connect with the College Bound Village on: Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Twitter | Podcast Website: 30156