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Linda Smith




Linda Renee Smith Founder Blueprint Ministries™️ Master Dream/Vision Interpreter Prophet Dream Navigation™️ Decoding Dream/Vision Language. [email protected] Author: Give Me 30 DAYS! Founder: OYD (Occupying Your Destiny) Prophetic Mentorship Program 🔥🔥🔥DREAMS and VISIONS are indeed the LANGUAGE of GOD, and YES, God is speaking to YOU! 🔥🔥🔥 IAM NOT INTERESTED IN BITCOIN OR ANY OTHER SELLING OPPORTUNITIES! Thank You! Please DO NOT MESSAGE ME TO ASK ME! ✍🏽Please do not back channel me with Dream Interpretation requests. Thank you. Go to my Blueprint Ministries Facebook Page to schedule services. Send your questions and dreams to [email protected] Cashapp $BlueprintMinistries Follow me on YouTube! Linda Renee Smith Sweet DREAMS, Divine REST™️