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Carla Gomes




“We are all just walking each other Home ❤️” ~ Ram Dass “In a Gentle way, you can shake the world.” ~ Gandhi Connecting from Portugal | Long Serving Volunteer of Pediatric Oncology Patients | I work in banking | Introvert | Empath | Here to grow and create meaningful connections | Seeker of Love and Truth | Remembering who I truly am is my daily devotion Spiritual teachers that Inspire me: RamDass | Adyashanti | Mooji | Lisa Cairns | Rupert Spira | Eckart Tolle | Alan Watts | Jeff Foster | Ramana Maharashi | Ramesh Balsekar | Nisargadatta Maharaj | Anandamayi Ma | Wayne Dyer 
 📱Facebook: beinglostinlove