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Mila Melrose




Writer/Author. Los Angeles, CA 🌴 Premed ☀️♐️ 🌙♊️ 🌅♍️ Author of “Alina & Adamaris” now on Amazon 😊 Synopsis of my book: “Bearing the loss of her mother, a young girl sails off to sea with her father Herman, captain of the S.V.L voyage, (a ship led to hunt barbarous merpeople). Off at sea Alina finds herself troubled by her spontaneous desires, and becomes overwhelmed with moral questions. Leading her on this enchanting journey she meets her fathers combatant; Adamaris the prince of a mystical city under the sea. Met with fortuity, the two worlds collide during catastrophic events. Will the lovesick pair set to defy brawls and unite equilibrium enjoining land and sea? Or will deception, and forbidden love stand in their fate of living happily ever after?”