Lori Motola
Poet | Guide | Human (probably) Interested in connecting with people with expertise in human culture, consciousness, the nature and origin of life, evolutionary biology, functional medicine, and holistic wellness. I created and practice master energy work grounded in Hermetic/Neoplatonist philosophy and consisting of syncretic ancient wisdom. Free collective vibration readings on YouTube @VibrationRegulation Instagram: @VibrationRegulation & TeamrEcalibrate FREE - Messages from Home, the inaugural rEgroup on Fri. 11/29. DM to RSVP. 🤍 rEgroups are virtual community groups which use proprietary blends of writing (including poetry!), mindfulness, and meditation for reunion with ourselves and each other. rEwork - bespoke rEgroup for the workplace. “Re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book, Dismiss whatever insults your own soul; and your very flesh shall be a great poem.” Walt Whitman En Vogue was right. Free your mind and the rest will actually follow.