Marwan The Lord
المدعو مروان ارجوك لا تناديني بالشيخ ابو قتادة My favorite color is money 🍒🍒 Data scientists 💻 CEO 👨💼 Ex INCA GOD 🇨🇳 إمام الحرم سابقا موظف بوزارة الأوقاف الدنيا سجن المؤمن عمري نموت بالبوطة If u don’t sin jesus died for nothing 🤌 🚨🛑To all clubhouse moderators, this profile will be reported by people who do not tolerate criticism of religions, ideologies, a profile that defends human rights and does not tolerate hate speech towards minorities, and thank you for your understanding🚨🛑 Choose hell for company and paradise for the climate. AAS 😉 ———————————————- 📌 I don’t endorse rooms content 🇨🇳 (Bio under construction) 🏗