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Lois Wagner




Un-Paint Yourself Out of a Corner We often find ourselves stuck in a corner: sometimes because of others, sometimes by our own doing. These emotional, situational, or physical corners are hard to get out of by ourselves. It is times like these that we throw up our hands and scream,” OFFS, HELP Me”. There is no silver bullet to recovery after a trauma or massive change in life: but there is a process. Steps that we can take, together, that will help you turn around out of the corner and begin the journey back to your life. From victim to survivor to thriver and beyond to freedom: it is possible. Come take the first step. Your friend for forgiveness and freedom. I help you move from victim to survivor to thriver and beyond to freedom after facing any challenge or adversity by helping you build your resilience and grit, to develop a growth mindset, and learn to forgive yourself and others. I help organisations and schools comply with sexual harassment and diversity legislation. My book, Walking Without Skin: a Journey of Healing - From Fear to Forgiveness to Freedom, addresses how I overcame a brutal rape and ended up forgiving the rapist. My website, podcast, and Facebook page have the same name. To eradicate bullying, harassment, sexual and gender-based violence, I teach boys and men (and girls and women) to be BRAVE. B - Boundaries / (not a) Bystander / Balance / Belief R - Respect / Resilience / Role-model / Responsibility / A - Agreement (Ask) / Alert / Authenticity V - Values / Vulnerability / Verbal (communicate) E - Equality / Empowerment / Express / Empaty I am starting Walking with Words, a room with bite size discusions - the A-Z complete guide where we will discuss developing resilience, grit, a growth mindset, and emotional freedom SMILE with Lois. S Speaker Storyteller (author /TEDx) M Mentor I Inspirer L Learning / Leadership facilitator E Empowering coach