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Linda Dyson




Hi there! Join me for Free *LIVE* "From Cubicle to Digital CEO Bootcamp: Map Your Success Path to Financial Freedom & A Life You Love" Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022 at 07:00 PM Eastern Time Join Zoom Meeting: I am a: ❤️ Digital CEO & Business Consultant with 25 years experience with major corporations BOOK ME: [email protected] to get a behind the scenes look at my strategies and mindset hacks for entrepreneurs. 🔥 Featured in Variety Magazine 🔥 Consulted internationally with Sony Music, NBC Universal, Microsoft, Disney, EA, Motion Picture Association of America and others too many to list here. Follow me on Instagram @B400x_businesscoach! Follow me on FB Page @lindadyson I am a............. 🎉 🎉 Life, group and biz coach who was trained by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes’ RMT Training and Magali and Mark Peysha’s Coaching Institute. ———————-/////—————— I am also a ❤️ Female entrepreneur 💗 Breast cancer survivor 🎉 Wife, mom and youthful grand-mom 🚺 I am on a mission to help 1000000 women start businesses so they can do more, play a bigger game and make a bigger impact on the world. 🚺 🔥Chances are you have a vision that you are meant to achieve more, and you have a huge heart and huge desire to help improve the lives of those you touch through your online courses, your coaching practice, your latest book, or digital online business. 🔥But chances are, for some reason, you find yourself procrastinating and putting off your business launch or struggling to grow a business that fits your lifestyle. Or maybe you are afraid to do it alone without support, or maybe your worried you don’t have the answers, or maybe you are thinking you don’t have the knowledge, experience or skills needed before you make the next move in your business. ✅ If you are stuck thinking about the effort, knowledge, time or energy it would take to start or grow your very own successful business, I can help. ✅ If you need a strategy hacker to breathe and build your brand to make more money and impact. I share my behind-the-scenes look at how I help my clients build their first six or seven figure business. #motivation #mindset #ringthebell #endselfsabotage #believeinyourself #lifecoach #B400xMembersClub #InspireX #IamEnough #BreastCancerSurvivor #LegacyCoaching #Lifecoach #BoardCertifiedLifeCoach #Woowoobooboo #StrategicIntervention Facebook Page: lindadyson