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Linda Cheek




I’m a retired family practice and functional medicine physician. True healing lies in lifestyle change. Energy medicines such as acupuncture, auricular therapy, and terrain homeopathy help trigger the bodies own healing processes. Because I could justify pain through alternative knowledge and get to the cause, I took on pain management and was able to get patient’s pain resolved through proper treatment of the real cause. Many patients were able to be pain-free and back to work. I was also able to help addicts be free of their addiction. But as a result of the government agenda against opioids and attacking independent, minority physicians for money and jobs, and in spite of my record of reducing opioid use, I became a government target. My book, Target: Pain Doc, is a fictionalized accounting of the first attack on my practice. But then through gross government misconduct I was convicted in a second attack by the government’s illegal use of the controlled substance act. My mission now is to achieve the exoneration of all innocent positions attacks for doing their job of treating chronic pain. To that end, my primary website is www.doctors of I also teach natural healing to anyone who wants to learn. To that end I am developing ecourses. My speakers website is And a peek at what I teach is visible at