Lily S.
More interested in sharing than debating. (I consider it sharing, when the purpose is to express ourselves and learn about each other. And I consider it debating when the purpose is to find a common understanding we can agree on.) Empathy ☀️ Honesty ☀️ Vulnerability 🌀 Honesty - without Empathy and Vulnerability - can be violence 🌀 Empathy and vulnerability - without Honesty - usually lead to self-neglect We need a culture of care. And caring needs to respect the agency of the person who is cared for (consent). 📍Berlin, Germany 🌈 ♾️❤️♾️ I speak German, English, French, Spanish and a tiny little bit Arabic. “There is no thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” Audre Lorde