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Lila Bauman




🌳Lover of all things Nature 💡Educator & lifelong learner ⚖️ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion instructor 🏳️‍⚧️ Proud mom of trans daughter 🥾Hiker, camper, explorer ♀️Late-to-the-party Feminist 🎓 Studied Linguistics, Media Ecology & Theology re issues of ethics & social justice Current issues/ topics of focus: 🏘️ Equitable, affordable housing 🧒 Foster kid well-being 👯 Women's well-being in midlife 🏞️ Sustainable Earth care 👷 Including & retaining diverse talent in business Ambitions / Projects: ☮️ Teach skills & resilience around diversity & racial justice dialogue 🇫🇷 Conversational French, Spanish, Thai, w other tongues in the future 💻 Remote digital work starting w my blog 🌄 Visit 50 global hot springs in 10 years 📌 Ask my teen niece to teach me how to manage my social media!