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Lukas Liesis




Co-Founder & CTO at LittleSaas, Inc. πŸ‘€ Looking for Q&A sessions and general tech discussions where I could help. Can talk about tech. Especialy building on AWS. β€”β€”β€”β€” πŸš€ Built startups as a freelancer together with ex-Googlers, scientists from NASA and was a part of core developers for services used by 15M+ users globally. 🌍 From 2015 among the top 3% developer globally ( and a top rated developer at the biggest freelancers network ( πŸŽ“Master's degree in Physics. πŸ”₯πŸš€ β€”β€”β€”β€” "Your design is some degree wrong, probably a lot more then you think, your goal is to make it less wrong over time". - Elon Musk