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Jonathan Mitchell




Hey friends, used to have a long bio but I doubt anyone would read it, so here's the deal about me in short: 1-Singer-songwriter of rock, pop, southern rock blues with songs on commercials and stuff. 2-Owner of Lyberate Nutrition. Very passionate about using natural supplements to help mood, emotional health, well-being, relieve stress and insomnia. NOT MLM, these are my proprietary blends. 3-MBA Enablement guru professionally. Leadership, sales, process, customer success, startups, behavior change, and all things scale to $100 million companies. 4-Father of twins and love family and being a Dad. Lost my Mom and Sister to cancer last year. If anyone on here has cancer, I'll send you supplements for free. Ping me. 🎤 | My Interests | 🎤 🧠 Personal Development 💵 Entrepreneurship 🤝Leadership and Personal Development 🤘Rock music 🏐Mud Volleyball/🏓Mud Ping Pong 🏎Cars ♣️ | Clubhouse Gifts | ♣️ 1️⃣ Lots of free tunes on my music website. 2️⃣ 25% off my Natural Supplements for Anxiety, Sleep, and Energy. Use code "clubhouse" for 25% off. Find me on any social @lyberatenutrition or @krewtunes