Liang Ng
Liang Ng, PhD. 伍樑盛 博士 ✆ Telegram liang_ng 🌀DMeta Decentralised Metaverse 🌀DMeta Omnihash: Building Decentralised Metaverse with 53 bit hash number as pseudonymous identifier - the most powerful multilevel network scheme since **WAY!! 🌀Hash-Sell-Recycle - Hash numbers for labelling all household or industrial items, including packaging, before throwing away, find buyers using hash identifiers. 🌀CTT 2+1 Training Scheme Confucius + Toastmasters + TikTok Two Coaches for an Apprentice 三人行必有我师焉 - the fastest way to grow your own viral social network through weekly videos documenting what you learn a.k.a. Fibonacci Flipped Classroom - 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 Number of members in your network after 12 weeks, 1 new recruit per video per week. - 学而时习之 不亦说乎 - Operam dare imitationi sapientum - 知行合一 🌀乐朋网 Amici Mundi - 有朋自远方来 不亦乐乎 论语开篇奠道统 联欧抗美习拉丁 论语 拉丁文译本 讲学系列 🌀Project VBU - Learn Virtualbox Blender Ubuntu - Foundation of Free Software, Metaprogramming & Mathematics - Free Software Roadshows, including vans and caravans, to the remotest villages in the world, to free children from Microsoft & Apple tyrannies 🌀Trispecies International Money Lending - Trispecies = Fiat national currencies + Cryptocurrencies + Gold Silver Bullion 🌀DMeta Omnihash Anonymous Dating 🌀The New Goedel Escher Bach: Hilbert Euler Fibonacci -- Metaprogramming Trio - Hilbert Hotel with Hash Numbers as Room Numbers - Euler Business Park with Multilevel Networks using Hash Identifier - Fibonacci University conducting Flipped Classroom lessons 🌀元自治 元宇宙自治体系 Metanarchy = Meta+narchy Governance via Metaverse - Anarchy = Governance without physical forms, NOT lawlessness - Metanarchy = DAO Decentralised Autonomous Organisations in Latin Metatron + Annunaki = Metanarchy All programming languages are just an intermediate to FORTH. Then you enter Metaprogramming and Mathematics. "I am Metatron" 教育为革命之本 永恒之五四精神 新民乃成新中国