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Letrisha West




GameChangeHER💖MotivateHER💖EncourageHER💖TaxPreneuHER💖 CreditPreneuHER💖| BUSINESS STRATEGIST💖WIFE💖MOM 💖MINISTRY COACH💖AUTHOR💖EVANGELIST💖1st Lady of I.N.💙🖤💙🖤 I AM SHE, AND SHE IS ME🔥🔥 Author of How I Got Over:Keys To Overcoming Adversity👏 Co-Author of Money Mindset💸 Author of the Ultimate Tax Training Manual📄 Author of Leadership In Training Manual💖 She. E.O. of Kredit Konnection Tax and Financial Firm, LLC , and Emergence Coaching and Consulting alongside my beautiful business partner Taniqua Norfus. Our mission is to shift your mindset about your finances💪 We learned the game, loved the game, flipped the game, and shifted the game!!!💪🔥🔥🔥 Follow us on all social media sites:👇🏽👇🏽 Website: Facebook; Instagram: Kredit Konnection Twitter: @kreditkonnect1 Follow me on all social media sites✅✅✅ Facebook: Letr Isha Twitter: @trisha8480 Instagram:letrisha_richardson