Leslie Scofield
“Chief Connector” of great people with a passion for building innovative brands and strategic relationships. 🚀 Creative and versatile business development strategist and ninja that has built and launched a number of unique companies in diverse spaces. ⚡️ Build impact into everything you do 🙏🏻 Currently building Pledge (formerly knows as Pledgeling) a tech company building simple tech tools to help brands, influencers, and non profits raise money for charity in a simple and easy way 💥 We powered Text CHLovesTX to 707070 text campaign and many others And we were named Fast Companies Top 10 Most Innovative Companies of 2020 Let’s make the impossible possible and make dreams come true ⚡️ Proud Texan splitting time between Venice, CA and Austin, Tx ☀️ Building brands: Specializing in: business development, building community, strategic partnerships, branding, sales, fundraising, viral marketing, social entrepreneurship ❤️ Building community at Summit, Pledge, Allbright, Summit Women, Haven Wellness Co-Living 👯 Athlete (Volleyball)! Adventurer and Traveler! Curiosity is everything! Personal Development is a must! Go deep and make it count ✌🏻but don’t take life to seriously Connect: [email protected]