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Frank Lenggenhager




🎧 I help artists to cut through the noise and get to the next level. Founder of Lautstark, a boutique music & culture communication and marketing agency in Switzerland 🇨🇭 ♣️🏠 Clubs: Musikszene Schweiz, Stadt Bärn Moderator „🇨🇭Guete Morge Schwiiz“ „Einer der ersten Schweizer auf Clubhouse“ - 10vor10 „Des Künstlers bester Freund“ - Der Bund „Lenggenhager wirkt hinter den Kulissen. Der Mittelsmann der Musik.“ - Having started my career in the music biz as rock dj and head of marketing at a live music venue in the late 90s, I've become fascinated by the idea of founding the first independent music marketing and pr company in Switzerland. Built on several years of experiences and competences within the field, I started Lautstark in 2003 offering music promotion and pr services for artists, labels and club/festival promoters. In brief our work can be boiled down to the following: 🎶 Album release promotion 📻 Radio plugging to the swiss radio stations Label representation in Switzerland 🗣 Festival pr and marketing 🎭 Culture communication Showcase pr 🎶 Music consulting Youth marketing 🐈🐈‍⬛ lover ⚽️ YB 💛🖤