Lee-Roy Mak
•Praise & Worship Addict •Bible reader Addict •Follower of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth Education 📚🎓:- •Llb Law (Hons) ,MSc ,Dip. in Theology Email-leeroymakuyana@gmail.com My prayer is simple ,”Increase ,in me as I decrease oh Lord ,empty me of me and fill me everyday with Your precious Holy Spirit, ,make my heart burn 🔥 for you Jesus ,more of You and less of me ,save me from myself and the cares of this world ,Your will be done and not mine Lord ,when they see me they should see you Jesus ,when you say move I’ll move oh Lord ,any battle I’m facing you’ve already won it Lord ,I live in victory 🌎🙏🏾 📍🌎Earth 🏡 Heaven⛅️