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Tessie Watts, M.Sc.




🏹 Leadership Consultant and Executive Trainer of The Leadership Haven. πŸ–‡ I Co-Power High-Potential, Emerging and Growing Leaders, Executives and Businesses with Strategically Strong Leadership Habits and Skills. 🎀 I am a Transformational Trainer, public speaker, workshop facilitator, moderator and dialogue coach. πŸ’Ό I partner with companies and organizations as a Leadership Consultant to speak, train, and consult on topics including leadership development, team building, executive alignment, business coaching and more. 🧑 I LOVE LOVE LOVE to talk LEADERSHIP! So DM me if you have a podcast, Clubhouse Room, platform, etc., and let’s chat! 🌍 Visit our website at for additional leadership materials and resources. πŸ‘‹ Join our LEADERGIZE Club right here on Clubhouse. 🏫 Join our LinkedIn Business Page at The Leadership Haven Resource Center LLC.