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Latricia Friend




Cheering YOUR success! 🎉 On CH to network, be a connector, learn, share, and participate in great conversations. ⚙️ Private Service, Support Staff, & Hospitality Consultant 📝 Résumé Writer / Career Coach 🌟 Positivity Promoter 🧖🏾‍♀️ Skincare Enthusiast 🚴🏽‍♀️ Peloton Devotee 🇺🇸 AmeriCorps Alumna 🍊 UC of SU Alumna 🥂 Foodie Mentor with National Black MBA Association’s (NBMBAA) Leaders of Tomorrow | Metro NY Chapter ✳️ 5-Star Service, Thurs 7:30 PM ET ✳️ Best Practices, Random Let’s connect! Overall: Career Chats on IG: careerdocumentsllc