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James Lawrence




James Lawrence aka Gym Lawrence my hero Building on John Lawrence legacy my dad die at 49 before my 21 birthday it left me empty till I turned 42 at this point in my life I realised I needed change thank god I lived in Wigan UK I got help thanks to NHS Wigan Council and my family for the You can find me on Facebook There are 3 account for me First is Jim Lawrence morbidly obese with acorns seeds in his hand plus some awesome photo of Wigan at its best with some funny Facebook live running videos 2 James Lawrence fat again but only obese this time after a full breakdown back to morbidity obesity so just start again and I did just cycling this time after discovering i have 2 arthritic knees but I've now beaten 1 of them the right knee wants me to read "beat arteritis naturally" 3 James Lawrence not a fake news account this is the real me working on living my best life working relentlessly with some meditation and storytelling my story The man that was too fat to ride Roller Coasters now living the dream getting better the better each awesome day Dream Driver Ambassadors for Trapped in a dream" Book by Author Frank Soonius
