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Charlotte Laura




📊Professional forex trader 📈professional bitcoin miner 📉Crypto trader. A Coin Miner Senior Account manager at Stock market, shibe coin, Cryptocurrency market and HFX trading company NFT Creator AND Metaverse 📚13years trading experience [12/6, 10:54 PM] Boss Etinplus: Make 🏫 Money From Home 💻Bitcoin/FX Expert 100%📉 📈Trading Analysis📊 📇Success Rate 100%📦 📊Earn $25,000 Weekly 💻24/7 Online 🏢Broker/Owner Max One Elite Realtors (East Atlanta/GrantPark) 📚CE Real Estate Instructor 💰YAHOO FINANCE 🥇Top 5 Agent in Office 🎖️🥇Top 15% Georgia 🏅#17 Company Wide ♥️Sold over $60 million in Real Estate Looking for a new Brokerage? Give yourself a raise by receiving 💯% in Commissions as an agent! DM me"💯" via Instagram 📊Deal with all countries pertaining to crypto forex binary etc list of few 1united state of America 2mexico 3malaysia 4Thailand 5 Chile 6peru 7Guatamala 8venezuela 9colombia 10ukraine 11burnei 12PNG 13Taiwan 14singapore 15Australia 16 new York 17france 18 India 19russia 20south Africa 21mongolia 🗽Is Born & Raised New York USA 💯% commercial based 👷Serial Home Remodeler 💈Elite Barberz Barber Shop Owner 🏬Next Steps: Owning a Mortgage Company 🦋Selling Real Estate over seas 🔥ATLANTA GA "Conscious Capitalist" "Pray 🧎 Walk🚶 1. Run 🏃 Jump, Fly🦅 then dance💃