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Latoria Israel




I believe every word in the Bible the good the bad and the ugly I also fear the Lord and is making haste to keep and do his commandments , I’m a Israelite from the tribe of JUDAH a new babe in the truth Ecclesiastes 12:13 I have 34 years of lies and garbage that I have to get rid of and as the Lord is willing I will daily 2 Corinthians 13:5 , Colossians 3:5, Joshua 1:8 ,Psalm 55:17, Psalms 1:1-2, Isaiah 34:16,Psalms 119:105 and BARUCH 4:28 I know it doesn’t take a day a month or a year to achieve this it takes the rest of my life and I give it to God this is on purposeEcclesiasticus 4:28 Psalms 139:23-24